Hey, I’m Kayla!
And I know exactly what you are likely feeling when it comes to your health. The frustration that comes from not seeing the progress in your health is unmatched. And it is a little scary... Am I ever going to be able to heal? Will I ever be able to reach my health goals? Am I just going to have to accept that this will be my reality for the rest of my life? It wasn’t until I started to take an integrative approach that I was able to begin transforming my health. As I started to see success in my efforts, I knew that I had to share with anyone that wanted to achieve the same results. I fully believe that healing is possible. And I want that same success for you because I know that when you feel your best, you are able to fully live out the life God has called you to. I have taken ALL I’ve learned through my trainings and experiences to create this 10-month program that walks women just like you through all the necessary steps of healing, and doing so in a way that is personalized to you - your body and your life. It is truly my passion to help women reach the realization that not only is healing possible… But that they can feel the best they ever have in their life. |
You're a holistic-minded woman that knows there has to be
a way to naturally heal your body.
You're adamant about trying to avoid modem day methods of "healing" your symptoms. So while you've tried piecing together the tidbits of information you've learned on your own, it's not exactly playing out as you had hoped or getting you the results as quickly as you would like.
You have made some progress.
Maybe lost a few pounds.
Your PMS symptoms might have eased up a little.
You're not as bloated as you used to be.
But you know there is still progress to be made.
And you're trying everything you can think of to continue making progress. Buying the supplements. Trying out the newest wellness gadget. Eliminating all the "bad" foods. Experimenting with different detoxes. Trying to gather ALL the free information from ALL the wellness accounts and taking ALL the free trainings.
a way to naturally heal your body.
You're adamant about trying to avoid modem day methods of "healing" your symptoms. So while you've tried piecing together the tidbits of information you've learned on your own, it's not exactly playing out as you had hoped or getting you the results as quickly as you would like.
You have made some progress.
Maybe lost a few pounds.
Your PMS symptoms might have eased up a little.
You're not as bloated as you used to be.
But you know there is still progress to be made.
And you're trying everything you can think of to continue making progress. Buying the supplements. Trying out the newest wellness gadget. Eliminating all the "bad" foods. Experimenting with different detoxes. Trying to gather ALL the free information from ALL the wellness accounts and taking ALL the free trainings.
You're overwhelmed.
And confused. And probably frustrated that your efforts aren't giving you your desired results. You might continue on with the XYZ supplement that had hundreds of positive reviews. Or the XYZ enzyme that was promised to heal your digestion issues. You figure you might as well continue using the teas and detoxes. And you're tempted to buy that wellness gadget talked about on IG that you think just might be the missing piece to your healing journey. As a last resort, you schedule an appointment with a functional medicine doctor. You're hopeful at first, but you soon realize you haven't made the progress you had hoped for. There's just so many things you can do, but you're not sure what the right actions are needed to finally heal once and for all. Even after applying everything you've tried to piece together, you're left more confused and unsure of what to do next. You know it's possible for people to fully heal their body, and to do so naturally. But you're beginning to wonder if you might be an exception, that maybe these holistic modalities won't work for your body. |
If you're here right now & you're hoping for:
. ✓ Fully optimized hormones - meaning a regular, pain-free period, no PMS, clear skin/hair/nails, a healthy body weight, no inflammation or puffiness, healthy libido, and the ability to get or stay pregnant when you are ready ✓ A healthy gut and digestive system - meaning no more bloating, gas, or belching, the ability to eat food without abdominal cramping, regular bowel movements that do not consist of diarrhea or constipation, and a healthy metabolism ✓ An ideal body weight that is healthy for your height and body type and that allows you to finally feel comfortable in your own body ✓ Energy levels that allow you to wake up energized, get through the day without needing a nap, and the ability to fall asleep easily ✓ Clarity and direction on what you want to do with your life, which requires you to feel your absolute best Then you are in the right place. |
The truth is, that while the path to fully healing your body (and doing so as naturally as possible) may seem too complicated, it is absolutely doable. There will likely be some resistance upfront. But any new lifestyle change will be met with some pushback. It’s what you decide to do when you hit that point that makes all the difference.
Will your resort back to your old ways which will lead you to your usual symptoms?
Or will you push through and come out healthier and stronger on the other side?
Or will you push through and come out healthier and stronger on the other side?
Your seemingly “failed” attempts at improving your health are not your fault.
We live in a world that does not promote health and wellness and that unfortunately means that we have to put in a little extra effort to live the life we desire. But the good news? These efforts can easily become second nature to your life once you understand what actions will reap the most reward and how you can easily incorporate them into your life.
We live in a world that does not promote health and wellness and that unfortunately means that we have to put in a little extra effort to live the life we desire. But the good news? These efforts can easily become second nature to your life once you understand what actions will reap the most reward and how you can easily incorporate them into your life.
There is an aligned, simplified, and clear path to healing.
The real question is…
What is the best way to receive the guidance and advice that you need to personally meet your body (and ultimately your health) where it is at and give it all the support that it needs?
What do you need to do to reach your ideal health in order to live a life that is
free of symptoms and full of energy?
What is the best way to receive the guidance and advice that you need to personally meet your body (and ultimately your health) where it is at and give it all the support that it needs?
What do you need to do to reach your ideal health in order to live a life that is
free of symptoms and full of energy?
▲ ▲ ▲
Introducing the
Holistic Healing | Reset & Renew
▼ ▼ ▼
The all-inclusive wellness program designed by an Integrative Health Practitioner that fully healed her own body naturally, holistically, and fully and wants to help you do the same.
The Holistic Healing | Reset & Renew Program is designed to give you everything you need to bring your body back to balance within the 10 months that we get to work together.
Working with Kayla as my IHP has given me back my sanity as well as made me feel the best I ever have! I had issues with sleep, anxiety, and feeling like my female hormones were out of control, but after consulting with Kayla and taking the recommended supplements, I feel like I can think clearer, and my sleep and mood have greatly improved. Taking new supplements has always been a fear of mine but Kayla was very encouraging and understating to my needs. I can't thank her enough!
Avery R.
Avery R.
If you are ready to transform your health, and in turn transform your life, then the
Holistic Healing | Reset & Renew
Program is for you.
This set-apart program offers not only a transformational experience, but a learning one as well. This will allow you to maintain your hard-earned results for the rest of your life. Here is a glimpse at what you will be learning over the course of ten months:
Holistic Healing | Reset & Renew
Program is for you.
This set-apart program offers not only a transformational experience, but a learning one as well. This will allow you to maintain your hard-earned results for the rest of your life. Here is a glimpse at what you will be learning over the course of ten months:
Development of Symptoms
When you understand why your body currently struggles with hormone and gut issues, you will have a better understanding of how to prevent it from happening again after you resolve them through the Holistic Healing | Reset & Renew Program. |
Importance of Nutrition
The food you eat truly can be used as medicine. You will learn how to eat in a way that is sustainable and supportive of your health goals. |
Role of Exercise
Exercise is one of many tools that can be used to support healing and includes a handful of other benefits besides changing your body composition. We will discuss ways that this can be incorporated into your already very busy life. |
Stressors & Stress Management
Your body will struggle to heal when it is having to deal with the many stressors it is up against. We will uncover all the stressors you are currently dealing with and ways to overcome them. |
Awareness of Toxin Exposure
While there are thousands of chemicals we have the potential of being exposed to, you will learn how to take a proactive approach in making sure your body is equipped to properly deal with these exposures. |
Rest is a Requirement
Healing is near impossible without allowing your body quality rest. You will learn the best methods to ensure you give your body the rest it needs. |
Success Mindset & Maintaining Results
Your thoughts lead to feelings, which leads to actions, and that ultimately leads to results. Your mindset is an essential aspect to healing and maintaining the results you achieve within our 10 months together. |
Here is ALL that you will receive when you join the extensive
Holistic Healing | Reset & Renew Program.
Six At-Home Functional Medicine Labs
These labs are designed to help us determine what the root cause(s) of your symptoms are. This allows us to take the quickest course of action in rebalancing your body and getting you on track to being symptom free. We will be looking at over 300 biomarkers to pinpoint WHY you have the symptoms you do and HOW we can begin to eliminate them from a root cause perspective. The data these results will give allows us to provide actionable steps towards healing. |
Video Review of Your Results
Between the kids, school, work, extra-curriculars, and taking care of your household, you are busy. You don't have time for waiting rooms or doctor's appointments. After enrollment, you will receive recorded videos of me reviewing your lab results and how it relates to your symptoms. This will allow you to watch them at a time that is most convenient for you. |
All of the features of this program combined will provide the proven framework and direction you need to achieve all your health goals and more. Go forward with confidence knowing that you are truly taking the best actions that are specific to your health. I am here to guide you through this process and help you navigate how to begin incorporating the healing practices into your life.
You don’t have to keep wasting your efforts or guessing about what to do next. It will all be laid out for you on the inside.
Transform you health. Transform your life.
And feel better than you ever have before.
When I first started working towards improving my health, I had been to numerous doctors with little success. After I started working with my IHP, it became clear what steps I needed to take. As I worked with Kayla, I finally began to understand what it was that my body needed. I lost weight. My period regularly came back after years of inconsistently showing up. I always considered myself to be a night owl, but through implementing what I was learning, I was able to wake up before my alarm and stay energized all day. The results I experienced were more than I thought possible and I know it came from working with my body and giving it what it needed. I didn't know at first that what I needed was this type of root cause approach, but it has changed my life for the better and I am so grateful for this experience.
The Holistic Healing | Reset & Renew Program is for the woman that desires to
make the most out of her life and strives to live out her days fulfilling the purpose
God has placed on her heart.
When your body isn’t consumed by your symptoms and your mind doesn’t lack focus, you will in turn gain more clarity about what you want out of life, energy to accomplish those goals, and the ability to better serve Jesus, your husband, your family, and your community. If you’ve:
→ Woken up too exhausted to complete your Bible study before the family wakes up
→ Felt like you’ve lost the connection you once had with your husband
→ Struggled to find the energy to be the mom that you deeply desire to be
→ Lack motivation to accomplish your career goals
→ Are too fatigued to serve your community in the ways you would like
→ Can’t even fathom going a month, week, or day without feeling your best
Then you will want to begin working your way through the Holistic Healing | Reset & Renew Program as soon as possible.
make the most out of her life and strives to live out her days fulfilling the purpose
God has placed on her heart.
When your body isn’t consumed by your symptoms and your mind doesn’t lack focus, you will in turn gain more clarity about what you want out of life, energy to accomplish those goals, and the ability to better serve Jesus, your husband, your family, and your community. If you’ve:
→ Woken up too exhausted to complete your Bible study before the family wakes up
→ Felt like you’ve lost the connection you once had with your husband
→ Struggled to find the energy to be the mom that you deeply desire to be
→ Lack motivation to accomplish your career goals
→ Are too fatigued to serve your community in the ways you would like
→ Can’t even fathom going a month, week, or day without feeling your best
Then you will want to begin working your way through the Holistic Healing | Reset & Renew Program as soon as possible.
The Holistic Healing | Reset & Renew Program is especially for you if you:
Desire to take a root cause, integrative approach in healing your symptoms
There is a time and place for modern day medicine. But when you want to avoid taking medications with side effects or avoid the risk and recovery that comes with surgery, then taking a functional and integrative approach is the way to go. |
Know your lifestyle habits are important for your health
You know eating healthy is important and that exercise is good for you. But what about all the other lifestyle habits you hear about? How do you even begin incorporating them all? How do you know if you’re doing enough? These are all valid questions that we will walk through together. |
Are interested in knowing exactly what is happening on the inside of your body
You are unique. Your body is unique. Your health is unique. The beauty of this program is that it offers you the exact data of what is happening on the inside of your body, which further allows us to create the most personalized, bio-individual plan that your health could benefit from. |
Want to tackle all your symptoms at once, not just one symptom at a time
You are already committed to doing the work to eliminate your worst symptoms, so why not just tackle all of them, even the minor symptoms you face? My goal for you is to be completely symptom free. So let’s make that YOUR reality. |
Know you could figure out how to heal by yourself, but want the accountability
If you pieced together every post you’ve saved on IG and included all you’ve learned from Dr. Google, you honestly could probably figure out how to heal on your own. But if you are tired of feeling like you’re spinning your wheels and not seeing the results you’re working so hard for, hiring someone to lay out the framework for you and keep you accountable will likely be in your best interest. |
Believe that your Creator is the ultimate Healer
One thing that sets this program apart is that it is based on a biblical foundation. Even if Jesus isn’t a part of your life, there is absolutely no judgment here and you are still more than welcome! |
At the end of the day, this
extensive, personalized, all-inclusive program
is designed to give you hope that healing is possible and the direction on exactly how to get there.
Are you interested in joining, but not ready to make this type of investment?
I get it! Check out what other options are available to you below.
I get it! Check out what other options are available to you below.
Move forward and live as the healed woman you were created to be so that you can serve your home and community with the gifts and passions you’ve been given.
How is this program different from other holistic programs?
While most holistic programs (including this one) focus on the importance of a root cause approach, we also prioritize healthy habit changes and working to overcome all the symptoms that clients are dealing with by providing a clear and direct approach through a personalized healing protocol.
This program incorporates many different aspects of healing - lifestyle changes, gentle and effective detoxification, supporting hormone health and optimal gut health, all while rebalancing the body in the ways it needs. It's basically like a one stop shop;)
This program incorporates many different aspects of healing - lifestyle changes, gentle and effective detoxification, supporting hormone health and optimal gut health, all while rebalancing the body in the ways it needs. It's basically like a one stop shop;)
I've already ran multiple labs with my provider. Can I just use those results instead of doing more labs?
The labs included with this program are designed to give us an accurate base line of where you are at now. Additionally, these labs allow us to compare the results against a functional range (not conventional) which is necessary for root cause healing. So while we won't be able to utilize your past lab results, you can be assured that these labs will provide us with the best data we need moving forward.
Plus, they are all done at home which is definitely a huge convenience!
Plus, they are all done at home which is definitely a huge convenience!
You mentioned this program is all-inclusive. Will I need to buy anything else during the 10 months of working together?
The short answer - no.
The long answer - there are essentially two steps to this program. Step 1: Heal. Step 2: Maintain. You will be provided with all the foundational tools required to fulfill Step 1. Towards the end of the program, you will enter into Step 2. Some women will reach Step 2 sooner than others. Additionally, some clients will want to be more proactive in their maintenance phase. Because of this, additional supplementation for Step 2 is not included. However, this additional supplementation will not be necessary if you are able to continue on with the lifestyle habits you create throughout the program.
The long answer - there are essentially two steps to this program. Step 1: Heal. Step 2: Maintain. You will be provided with all the foundational tools required to fulfill Step 1. Towards the end of the program, you will enter into Step 2. Some women will reach Step 2 sooner than others. Additionally, some clients will want to be more proactive in their maintenance phase. Because of this, additional supplementation for Step 2 is not included. However, this additional supplementation will not be necessary if you are able to continue on with the lifestyle habits you create throughout the program.
Do you provide meal plans and exercise programs?
Not at this time. Meal plans must legally be given by a registered dietitian and exercise programs are ethically designed by a personal trainer. You will be taught the foundational basics of both of these topics to begin incorporating these habits on your own, in way that works for your lifestyle.
Will we ever virtually meet 1:1?
This program is designed in a way to fit your busy lifestyle. Instead of juggling times trying to figure out when to schedule an appointment, you are given access to complete or review the materials during your free time. This is where the 24/7 access to my private message portal comes into play. As questions arise, you can ask me the moment they come up.
Do you offer a refund if I change my mind after enrolling?
Because the labs and protocols I purchase for you upon enrollment are non-refundable, I am not able to offer any refunds. If you are not 100% committed to moving forward with your health in a holistic manner, I suggest you wait until you fully believe this is the path for you. I'll be here when you're ready;)
do you offer additional programs if we aren't ready for the all-inclusive package?
YES! While you will receive the most benefit from the all-inclusive package, there are additional pathways available. Email [email protected] to learn what options are available for you.
Join the Holistic Healing | Reset & Renew Program today.
Get access to 10 months of health coaching, 6 at-home functional medicine labs, a mini course on healthy lifestyle habits, all the necessary healing protocols, bio-individual supplementation, and unlimited access to my private messaging portal.