What is Integrative Health?
Integrative health is a holistic approach to health and wellness that looks to help people get down to the root cause of their symptoms. Instead of prescribing a medication that can mask or cover up the symptom, integrative health recognizes the importance of figuring out WHY those symptoms are happening in the first place. Additionally, integrative health is built on the idea that the body functions as one unit, as opposed to different body systems that work independently of each other.
Integrative health is the combination, or integration, of different medical practices with each other. In this case, it it a combination of seven different medical practices. Below is an explanation of how Dr. Stephen Cabral describes each of the seven disciplines of integrative health:
1. Ayurvedic Medicine - The Science of Life 2. Bioregulatory Medicine – Science of Self-Healing 3. Traditional Chinese Medicine & Herbalism - Using the power of herbs and energy practice 4. Eastern Philosophy – Using the mind to heal the body 5. Traditional Naturopathy – Using “Right Living” to rebalance the body 6. Orthomolecular Medicine – The Right molecules in the right amounts 7. Functional Medicine – Helping people at a functional; not disease level |
The DESTRESS™ protocol is designed to look at each aspect of a person's physical, mental, and emotional life. Each appointment focuses on the eight parts of this protocol to design a personalized plan to help best support the body in a way that will eliminate troubling symptoms.
The DESTRESS™ Protocol can benefit ANYONE!
The best part about the DESTRESS™ Protocol is that absolutely anyone can benefit from the teachings and science behind this program. Whether you feel physically drained or you feel like your body is working just as it should, each aspect of this protocol will only increase the functioning of your body. While we may not all have the same symptoms and struggles, we are all exposed to the same foods void of complete nutrients, the stressors of the world, and environmental toxins. This protocol is designed to truly support the body physically, mentally, and emotionally.